About Postle Europe

Hardbanding Solutions (Europe) Ltd.
Hardbanding Solutions Europe, a Postle Industries company, was established in Scotland in 2011. Colin Duff and Darren Mathieson grew the business and after training applicators across Europe and Africa to apply Duraband NC, as well as other hardbanding technologies, the team designed and built the Skye range of hardbanding machines. The first unit was completed in 2014 and since then this exceptional equipment has been shipped across the world. The 8000 square foot facility houses state of the art equipment to manufacture Skye. Our Scotland team has since expanded and will continue to innovate to improve applications of our products.
Our Scotland facility also gives us the ability to reduce delivery times on hardbanding and hardfacing products by maintaining stock and having customer support in a time zone more suited to Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

Colin, Darren and Dean