Tuffband NC

Postalloy Tuffband NC is a high hardness hardband that may be used by itself for casing friendly hardband applications or used as a weld matrix with Tungsten Carbide (WC) when casing protection is not a factor.
Ideal for Sour Gas Service Environments Casing Friendly
Hardbanding deposits are NON CRACKING, providing proper preheat, interpass and cooling temperature procedures are followed. The microstructure consists of a hard, but tough tool steel matrix with approximately 55Rc hardness. Deposits are extremely CASING FRIENDLY. Tuffband NC can be applied over itself without removal, but only if the surface has been properly cleaned and inspected. Tuffband NC can be applied over certain previously hardbanded competitive products providing that the worn deposit is 1/32” thick or less.
Tuffband delivers excellent wear performance in comparison to competitive 'economy' hardband products. If the initial cost of application is crucial, then apply Tuffband as opposed to cheap materials safe in the knowledge that it will not crack and spall.
Tuffband NC is Fearnley Procter NS-1 product certified for new hardbanding applications and process certified for re-applications over many competitive products.

Tuffband with Tungsten Carbide
Tungsten Carbide With Tuffband NC
When Tuffband NC is used as a “matrix” wire in combination with Tungsten Carbide, the weld puddle is fluid and larger than conventional hardfacing wires, thereby allowing the WC bits to be completely consumed. There is no WC residue left on the deposits as is sometimes seen with mild steel and other matrix wires. This means that deposits are filled to the maximum and provide the ultimate in wear resistance. The resulting microstructure is a combination of tool steel and WC having a hardness of about 60Rc.
For the ultimate wear protection properties, where casing wear is not a concern, we recommend Duraband NC with Tungsten Carbide.
Download the Tuffband NC Data Sheet here.