Hardband Accessories
Hardbanding Solutions Slow Cool Insulators
Available as an open ended wrap or a closed bag the Hardbanding Solutions Insulator is the ultimate slow cool accessory. Proven to slow heat loss more than steel cans or more simple wraps, this product gives assurance that you will meet or exceed cooling rates. lined with a stainless steel mesh for longevity, the insulation material is protected for use time after time. Application is simple with reinforced velcro straps. Download the insulator data sheet here.

Hardbanding Solutions Hardbanding Gauge
This patented, easy to use gauge will help you determine whether a new hardband application is needed and help set the proper stickout. Includes USA and metric measurements and slots to measure 1/32”, 3/32”, and 1/8” thicknesses as well as torch stickouts. Download the gauge data sheet here.