Tool Joint Repair and Build Up
Tool Joint BU-MCG
A Premium Build-Up wire for use prior to hardbanding
Postalloy Tool Joint BU-MCG is a premium manganese, carbon steel metal cored wire for gas shielded arc welding with a very smooth arc transfer. This wire is intended for multi layer build-up of the critical area directly beneath the hardbanding alloy, where compatibility with higher carbon steel chemistries is critical. Modern manufacturing technology ensures the best consistency, in both weldability and feedability. The cleanliness of Postalloy Tool Joint BU-MCG contributes to low subsurface porosity and the elimination of lack of fusion or “cold laps”. Deposits are crack-free, can be readily machined with high speed and carbide tools and can be flame or plasma cut.
This product is far superior to mild steel when repairing tool joints, ensuring a stable base for the new hardbanding application.

Tool joint is repaired with Tool Joint BU-MCG after the previous hardband was removed
A Premium Build-Up wire for rebuilding of tool joint tong space
The rebuilding of tong space on a tool joint box or pin is quite similar to traditional hardbanding applications. Careful attention to preheating procedures and temperatures as well as slow cooling during post-welding procedures is critical. Particular attention should be given to inspection of services for cracks using MPI methods.The procedure below outlines the basic requirements to successfully rebuild tong spaces with Postalloy Tool Joint BU-MCG. Some adjustments will be required to accommodate various diameters of tool joints.
This product is also available as a submerged arc wire, just ask for Tool Joint BU-SA.
*Please note that this procedure will be harmful to the threads of the tool joint and re-cutting of connections will be required.

A tool joint built up using Tool Joint BU-MCG